The late Fan Ho has over 280 awards from international competitions and exhibitions since 1956. His unique and thought provoking images play with the strong contrasts of white and black, silhouettes and light rays. These elements combined makes you stand amazed and in awe at what great of a photographer Fan Ho is. What is even more amazing is that during his time he did not have a digital camera. With a digital camera, we would be able to correct the image almost immediately if it did not come out not way we want it to. For him, he would have to develop the images, look at it, decide if they are satisfactory. If they were not up to his standard, he would have to revisit the location and reshoot everything. That to me is true passion and dedication to photography. Here are a few of his works. Again, it was like choosing you're favourite child, its impossible as you love them all!
I truly hope over the course of this module, I can produce images of the same quality as his. His conceptual vision and camera skills are what I aim to achieve at the end of this.
Fan Ho is the boss!